Saturday, May 3, 2008

What the $&^% Did He Call Me?

Since coming to Jamaica I have been called many things. Here is a short list in order of most frequent: Big Man, Boss Man, Brownie, Whitey (yes, I do get brownie more than whitey. I only get called whitey about once or twice a month), red man, rasta boy. There are others, but they are infrequent or inappropriate for this blog. Then Friday I heard one that really made my head spin. While walking down the street I heard, "Hey, raggamuffin!" I looked around and saw one man yelling in my direction, and there was no one else around me. I was being called a raggamuffin. I don't even know what that means. I guess it may be time to think about a trim or at least shaving (I was thinking that when I was called rasta boy a couple weeks ago). Things that make you go WHAT?


Cory said...

"Re-cy-cle-ing?? Theres no such word you adorable raggamuffin." -- Monty Burns

Jesse E. Hunter said...

haha. that's making me laugh at my boring desk job!

ragamuffin-a shabbily clothed, dirty child. (

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"

mufonix said...

you've been in jamaica for 9 months and don't know what a ragga is?

Patrick said...

damn. i always get called why-teee. I want to be called brown man, red man, rasta boy, boss man, et. al. I would even be down with ragamuffin though perhaps stud muffin would be more appropriate.